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RPO model

Hire recruiter from our community!

Our service Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is dedicated to rapidly scaling companies that want to effectively strengthen their teams and attract quality employees.

Try a subscription partnership with Talent Place

An experienced end-to-end recruiter or team of recruiters will not only significantly speed up the acquisition process but will also avoid unnecessary costs associated with candidate mismatches to the organization.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a subscription-based solution that allows for cost optimization and greater flexibility through a long-term relationship.

RPO model benefits for your business


Your team gains comprehensive HR support: from planning and recruiting to coordinating activities and onboarding.


You don’t need to hire new people for your HR teams. Our recruiters will begin working on the project immediately after deployment.


Has your company’s recruiting need changed? You can temporarily increase or decrease your RPO team.

How do we work?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a recruiter rental service model that was developed based on the best market standards.

Feasibility study

Evaluation of project feasibility in collaboration with BIIT and identification of potential difficulties and possible solutions

Decision on cooperation

Signing a framework agreement, establishing a timeline for collaboration and discussing tasks and goals for the RPO recruite

Creating RPO team

Introducing selected RPO recruiters who are the best fit for the project to the client.


Introduction of client and RPO model recruiters to the collaboration. Familiarization with the specifics of the project.

Ongoing cooperation

Our RPO Manager oversees the project delivery process. Is in ongoing contact with the client and RPO recruiters to make the collaboration run as smoothly as possible.

What are the options for collaboration?

TOP recruiters for your HR team

RPO Recruitment Model is delivered with the highest standards and proven methodology. Working with us means:

Working with hired experts under the brand and supervision of the client

Possibility to hire a recruiter even on a part-time basis

Flexible form of cooperation – you decide on the scope of recruiter’s responsibilities

Access to our candidate base and community network

Support of RPO Manager who ensures high level of service and communication with the customer

Predictability of costs at each stage of cooperation

Substitution in case of absence of the recruiter

Support from our remote community and Talent Place back office

Want to know more?

If you have specific questions, please send them to us via the contact form